I am primarily a Systems Biologist and I work at the interface of mathematical and computational biology, genomics, and evolutionary biology with a focus on neuro-cell biology. I use quantitative models, statistical analyses, and collect genome-scale data to ask questions about mechanisms of cell function and their evolution. In particular, I am interested in theoretical structure of problems such as the mathematical structure of biological models, the architecture of temporal control for cellular processes, and the theory of biological dynamics. Working on theoretical problems is not limited to pen-and-pencils and my lab gathers data and tests hypotheses in the wet-lab and also develops new genomic technologies. A key technological expertise in my lab is single cell analysis, including RNA sequencing from single cells and bio-photonic techniques. In recent years, we have been focused on the mammalian neurons as an empirical system of study. Here, we are interested in RNA dynamics that establish cell phenotypes, variation of RNA states associated with single cell function, systems biology of individual synapses, and evolution of central nervous systems via modulation of neurons.
Positions Held
2006-current Co-Director, Penn Genome Frontiers Institute
2002-current Edmund J. and Louise Kahn Term Endowed Professor, Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania
2003-current Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
2011-2011 Visiting Fellow, University College London, CoMPLEX? Institute
2011-2011 Visiting Fellow, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifique, Bure-sur-Yvette, France
2007-2007 Visiting Fellow, Churchill College and Newton Institute, Cambridge University, UK.
2000-2002 Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Biology (currently Ecology and Evolutionary Biology), Yale University. Joint appointment in Department of Statistics, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, and Biomedical Engineering program.
1994-2000 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Yale University.
1992-1994 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona.
1992-1992 Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Evolution, SUNY Stony Brook.
Awards and Fellowships
2010 Ellison Medical Foundation Senior Scholar Award in Aging (2010-2014)
2010 John Simon Guggenheim Fellow
2003 Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Endowed Professor, U Penn (2003-2014)
2000 Yale Senior Faculty Award
1998 Yale Endowed Fellowship for Systematic Botany
1995 Yale Junior Faculty Award
1995 Sloan Foundation Young Investigator Award